Latest Small Updates To Improve The Chatgpt Experience

Chatgpt small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. OpenAI made its amazing chatbot, ChatGPT, even better with some new things. After it talks, the chatbot can give you ideas for what to say next. The company told everyone about these cool additions in a tweet on its official Twitter page.

  1. Prompt Examples:

When you start a new chat with ChatGPT, knowing where to begin can sometimes be difficult. To help with this, ChatGPT will now display prompt examples at the beginning of a new chat to give you ideas on how to get started. These prompt examples will be tailored to the specific use case or topic you’ve selected, and they’ll help guide you towards asking questions that will elicit useful and informative responses from ChatGPT.

For example, if you select the “General” use case, you might see prompts examples like “Ask me anything,” “Tell me a joke,” or “What’s the weather like today?” If you select the “Code” use case, you might see prompt examples like “Write a Python program to print ‘Hello World’,” “Explain the difference between monolithic and microservices architecture,” or “How would you optimize this piece of code?”

These prompt examples are designed to inspire you to think creatively about how you can use ChatGPT, and they’ll make it easier to start using the platform.

  1. Suggested Replies:

ChatGPT allows you to respond to its answers by clicking on suggested replies below the response. However, sometimes it’s unclear what the best follow-up question would be.

To address this, ChatGPT will now suggest relevant ways to continue your conversation. For example, if ChatGPT provides an answer that includes a technical term you don’t understand, it might suggest a follow-up question like “What does X mean?” or “Can you explain that in simpler terms?”

These suggested replies will help you drill down into the information provided by ChatGPT and explore topics more deeply. They’ll also save you time by reducing the amount of typing you need to do, since you won’t have to come up with follow-up questions from scratch.

  1. GPT-4 by Default for Plus Users:

If you’re a Plus user, you’ll now be able to choose GPT-4 as your default model when starting a new chat. Previously, Plus users had to manually select GPT-4 for each new chat, which could be inconvenient.

ChatGPT will remember your previously selected model with this update, so you won’t have to keep switching back to GPT-3.5. This means you’ll be able to take advantage of GPT-4’s improved performance and capabilities without having to lift a finger.

  1. Upload Multiple Files:

Plus users will now be able to upload multiple files for ChatGPT to analyze and provide insights on. This feature is part of the Code Interpreter beta, which allows you to interactively work with code snippets and see their output directly within the chat window.

With the ability to upload multiple files, you can analyze large datasets, compare different versions of code, or even collaborate with others on coding projects. This feature will be especially useful for developers, data scientists, and other professionals working with complex data sets.

  1. Stay Logged In:

In the past, ChatGPT would automatically log you out after two weeks of inactivity. This could be frustrating if you were in the middle of a long chat session or needed to step away from your computer for a moment.

With this update, you’ll no longer be logged out automatically. Instead, you’ll be able to stay logged in for as long as you need, allowing you to take breaks and return to your chat sessions without logging in.

When you need to log in again, you’ll be greeted with a more welcoming page that makes it easy to get started with ChatGPT immediately.

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts:

Finally, ChatGPT has added some handy keyboard shortcuts to help you work more efficiently. For example, you can now use ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + ; to copy the last code block, or ⌘ (Ctrl) + / to see the complete list of keyboard shortcuts.

Other keyboard shortcuts include ⌘ (Ctrl) + K to insert a link, ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + F to open the file menu, and ⌘ (Ctrl) + Shift + O to open the overflow menu. These shortcuts will allow you to perform common actions quickly and easily, saving you time and effort.