6 Link Building Strategies For Your Website

The first step to creating a successful link-building strategy is having a goal

Of course, this will vary depending on your business. But whatever your goals, it’s important to think about them before you create a link-building strategy, because, without something to aim for, all of your efforts will be wasted or misdirected.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of links—and strategies—that will work for any type of site depending on its overall goals and purpose. If you’re planning to create an online community, chances are you’ll need completely different links than someone who wants a blog post to go viral.

Remember: Your website is only as good as the content it provides and the links it has; so make sure they’re the right ones!. It can be better achieved by a link building services agency. 

Create content that makes your website stand out

To help you create content that’s unique and helps make your website stand out, we’ll cover six different strategies. The first three are focused on writing well. The last three are focused on the images and headlines that accompany the text.

Start by looking at the websites of your competitors

The best thing to do when you want to find sites for link building is to look at your competitors’ backlinks. The next step is to find out who are the content writers on those sites. Find writers that have covered topics in your niche, and reach out to them.

Label for this section: Different examples of Link Building

Perspective: 3rd person (he/she/it/they)

What this section does: Shows examples in a table format

Talking points of this section:

  • Branded links from press releases have the highest value

Make sure you’re working with the right sites

In order to rank well in Google and Bing, you need backlinks. Backlinks are the links that point back to your site from different websites, and they help search engines understand what your site is about. However, not all links are created equal. Here’s how to find sites to link to you that will benefit your search ranking:

#1: Avoid linking with low-quality sites

Low-quality sites are more likely than quality ones to have a bunch of ads on them and may look unprofessional or spammy. If you check out a site and it looks like it was made in 2003, don’t link there! You’re better off without their backlink.

#2: Avoid linking with sites that already have a lot of links

This is another way of saying “don’t do nofollow links,” which are links where the link doesn’t count for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes because the website owner has embedded code into their page saying so. Totally avoid these if you want good SEO results!

#3: Don’t bother linking with other websites in the same niche as you

If you’re a travel blog, get your backlinks from outside sources–not other travel blogs! You don’t want people coming over to your blog just because they already come across one or two others with similar content daily. Make sure the sites you choose have something different than those other blogs out there offer so people will come looking for something new when they visit yours too!

Use web tools to find sites that are relevant to your website and brand

Looking for sites that are similar to your own or your competitors is a critical part of making sure your website gets noticed by search engines.

To help you find these types of sites, we’ve put together a list of SEO tools that can help you do just that. These tools will let you filter websites by several dimensions, such as their voice and on-page content.

Don’t forget about social media when it comes to link building

Social media sites are a great place to connect with people and engage in discussions. When you post something, share it on your social media sites, and build relationships, you’re not only getting your message out there to more people but also increasing the likelihood that they’ll want to spread the word about your product or service. It’s all about generating impressions, which leads us to link building strategies.

Social media sites are great for content promotion. You can use them as a way of distributing photos of your company or product so that consumers see what it is before they buy it. Social Media is accessible in many forms; websites like Pinterest let users pin images that show off their home decor or explain what they’re eating for dinner and then share those images on Twitter or Facebook.

Using social media sites is greater for link building than Google+. Using internal links in content helps boost search engine rankings because search engines like Google and Bing understand the text from other sources, such as from personal blogs or websites outside of your own domain name where you’ve linked back to something written by someone else on the web (called an external link).

Social media sites are great for brand promotion. By being active on these platforms with branded content, you can attract new customers who might otherwise have never heard about you if you weren’t actively promoting yourself via these channels

Link building can be hard, but it’s worth it in the long run

Link building is a crucial part of any SEO campaign, but it takes time and care. Below are some strategies that can help you build links to your site in a way that won’t damage your search rankings.

“Wait,” you say. “Don’t I need to fit all my links on one page?” Well, no—at least not if you’re cautious about the sites these links come from. To start with, there’s no shame in keeping your link building simple and employing just one linking strategy at a time. If you’re worried about over-optimization and getting slapped with a penalty by Google, don’t be: the higher up your site ranks for competitive keywords in organic results, the less likely it is that any particular link will have an impact on search engine rankings or user experience. On top of that, being anxious about getting penalized for over-optimization will only distract you from focusing on other key aspects of SEO such as keyword research and improving user experience through content optimization (which helps Google actually understand what your page is about).

The best thing to do when starting out is to pick one link building strategy and focus on it until you believe it to be effective or exhausted (more on this later). Then move on to another strategy after giving things plenty of time to accumulate. This ensures that you don’t get distracted (or discouraged) by constantly checking back every week or month to see how everything’s going—because each new link will take at least several months before it starts ranking well enough to contribute much value. It also allows you more time to focus on factors like keyword research so that when the moment comes where everything starts ranking better than expected, those improvements are based on good foundation work rather than a hunch or coincidence