Few basic SEO Tips Which all Webmaster Must Know

Browser compliance isn’t great. We already know this… CSS just makes it more difficult… ie is a really big problem, as it is one of the least compliant browsers out there (which is a shame as it is one of the most used)…

Thankfully Microsoft has released an update for ie6 which should have ironed out a few of the problems that there have been…

So, that’s a bit of advice number two…

Learn to use CSS – It really is easy…

So that’s enough about the code you will be using (I know there isn’t a lot of detail but there will be some more information regarding these languages up on the site at some point soon…)

So, you ask… What’s next…

Well, there are of course hundreds of things you can do to improve how your site performs in the SEs…

A really simple way to improve these things is the use of the

Likewise, you may have a page about finding cheap widgets

You see where I’m going with this…

It’s no good using the same title for every page of the site…

Target it.

Have a good link building strategy

Along with the title tag, you have a description (which I tend to keep exactly the same as the title) and also the keywords… Now keywords are pretty useless nowadays, but you might as well put them in any way (I think Yahoo made a statement about starting to use them again quite recently)

Again, for each of the meta’s, try and keep them relevant to the content of the pages…

Now we have the


These are basically tags that you can use as titles (headings for want of a better word)…

For example… this is what they look like…

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Get the idea???

Use these in conjunction with your title and meta tags…

Basic stuff but produces some good results…

I’ll go into some more detail about off-page SEO techniques at some point…